Art therapy session by Qatar Expat Women

Today I attended art therapy session organised by a very known group in Doha for expat women 'Qatar expat women a positive support group' . The session was taken by an Indian artist Savita J Jhakar. The venue was a decent hotel Warwick.

I was just on time and expected the event to be full of knowledge about art therapy and how can we really apply it in our lives. 

But, I was disappointed because she just asked us to draw a portrait of ourselves and then she collected the art sheets and spread over the floor. Then everybody saw what all; everybody has drawn and how has everybody explained their personality. And that's it... Then she said , "thank you and everyone can be an artist." Well, I did not come for that... But anyways Qatar Expat women group's larger goal is to bring expat women together. And, I made a new friend YiYi Helena from China. 

How to attend Qatar Expat women's Events

Find the group on Facebook

Check the event list Register yourself 

Pay 30 QAR for refreshments at Warwick hotel.



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